My pain to purpose Story
Midlife can be a real struggle for so many of you today, but staying healthy as you age is crucial. The quality of our life and those around you, literally depends on it! And if you are a mother, your family depends on you.
Rampant symptoms like weight gain, chronic pain, skin issues, and anxiety and depression are common today, yet are often or still ignored and overlooked by the doctors. The right questions about your lifestyle habits, your diet or your past medical history must be asked! (And if a doctor never asks what your diet consists of or if you have daily bowel movements, then find a new doctor! I’m not kidding here!)
Because our current medical system and so called health care is simply out dated and broken and harming us all. Many of you feel alone, confused and frustrated with the lack of proper support. And often times, not heard or worse yet, made to feel small!
I know. Because I talk to a lot of women (and some men) that feel that too. And I experienced it a lot, that first half of my life and before I found holistic support!
I experienced the worst kind of hormonal imbalances you could imagine starting at puberty. But my challenges started well before that. I was already experiencing a compromised immune system at the age of two. (I almost I died, according to my Mom, but never found out why or from what and that was the beginning of my health challenges! I had extreme chronic flu’s every year in elementary school that would nock me out for 2 weeks minimum and sometimes several time in a year!)
Once I hit puberty, I started with terrible PMS, skin outbreaks, and anxiety and that’s when I was even having a cycle! I often times went months without one. (My wise Mom said it was due to being athletic when I started running track and field at age 8). But we just chocked it up to that, even though my skin eventually was screaming for help, with terrible cystic acne outbreaks and the rampant fatigue I experienced that started in high school, was truly debilitating.
I then struggled for decades in silence using harmful birth control pills, antibiotics and other skin medications. Due to the fatigue and headaches, I had to use stimulants, like caffeine, sugar and over the counter pain medications, which either masked the symptoms or made them worse. Decades of abuse of this lifestyle, not only caused more harm to my already taxed and challenged gut and brain, but set me back even further from healing.
And yes, it took a lot of trial and error to figure it all out, and tens of thousands of dollars going back to my 30’s. But when I started with early menopause at age 40, that’s when I knew I had trouble ahead if I didn’t get support.
And at 47, I broke down in desperation and found a functional medicine doctor who started addressing root cause. And it was bad! Decades of diet, medications and excessive dental work had built up a toxic burden in my body. Then tons of expensive lab testing, excessive supplements and expensive products to constant restricted diets, caused even more stress before I had another crisis at 55. All of which was not only overwhelming but always led to more problems with very little solutions.
Until I found the next option or specialist, out of desperation, and so it continued. It was hard on everyone around me, living with my rollercoaster emotions and compromised health and exorbitant expenses.
But I always knew there were answers to be had that many specialist, even nutritionist and functional medicine doctors, were overlooking. I knew there had to be a reason behind my decades of health challenges that no one was asking about nor addressing.
Until I started praying for guidance, doing the “inner-work” at a local spiritual center and to doing my own research and education, did help start pouring in. I started asking the right questions with the right kinds of doctors and specialist that actually heard me and understood me. And that was when I learned what had set me on this path at age two. And only then, did I start to see improvements.
And fortunately, specialist everywhere were finally speaking the truth about what was going on with our food industry, our broken medical model and our unhealthy environment! Only then was I able to move the needle towards wellness for myself. And then became obsessed with doing all I could to support others in the same shoes I had been in most of my life.
My mission became all about education and inspiring others to see a world where women can and do thrive by the healthy choices they make. And of course, sharing my own story. But I always started at what was going on at home. And looking at what foods women were eating and feeding their families and lifestyle choices that were for causing their pain. Even emotional pain.
Instead of relying on years and years of expensive and extensive appointments with specialists, like I had done, I cracked the code on the real issues at hand. The toxin burden loads were weighing me down, despite my healthier lifestyle. And specialist overlooked it. Nor did they have the solutions to deal with them.
I just knew in my heart, that there had to a much simpler solution to getting well and staying healthy! I began to know meet people that could support my theories and get the help I needed.
And I’m here to tell you, you don’t have to suffer in silence any longer and you don’t have to do it alone! But you do have to have a commitment to yourself to do what it takes to get to the root cause and be prepared to do whatever it takes to heal. (I took a solid year on and a strict healthy diet and being mindful of external stressors to calm my challenged nervous system and sensitive gut! But it was the best thing I ever did. I recall feeling better then ever by even the first month in!)
So now, the approach I use myself and those I work with offers root cause solutions and a safe space to be heard and supported. It’s a simple 3 step solution that empowers women to take control of their own health, stay out of the doctors office and back it their kitchens, where healthy begins. And then play it forward in their own community.
you have to see and understand what it took to get unwell and only then can you begin to accept what it takes to get back to being the thriving person you are meant to. But you have to address the elephant in the room. The root cause(s) of your struggles. And like in my case, there were many.
What are you eating that is causing so much chaos in your body? What are you putting on your body that is harmful and who are you spending the most time with? What other factors are contributing to your struggles? How is your emotional health, your medical history since you were a child. Your relationships. All of this matters. And has to be addressed.
And todays allopathic medicine does not practice this and it is simply dangerous. It creates not only dependence on a health system that is harmful, by ignoring the facts of your current diet, your health history and even your DNA! But it does insure that you are reliant on health care providers to take care of your day to day health, running back for more medication, pain shots or often times, unneccesary surgeries! All of which are addicting and inflicting further harm.
The key lies in knowing that the choices we make creates good health. From the foods we put in our bodies to the products we put on our skins and the environments for which we live, we get to make these choices…therefore we can course correct them! It’s that simple.
And the first step, starts with your feeling strong enough and empowered enough to do the work it takes. You simply can not get well, when the outside world is demanding your attention to consume harmful things and buy unsafe products! And that is where I come in…to guide and support your body on what it needs first. So you can start to feel better quickly, which will lead to better choices and faith in yourself ~ and my guidance!
But if the root cause never gets addressed and you become dependent on your doctors and medications, as I was for decades, you remain stuck in a pattern very hard to break.
I finally learned how not to be stuck, how to respect myself and my body enough to take responsibility to do what I had to do to heal. And it was then that the healing began.
I became obsessed with education and inspiring others to learn from my mistakes. Getting certified as a health coach launched my abilities to support others but also taught me how to do it with compassion and heart felt conviction. And learning what was the key component to good health.
And of course, learning that todays allopathic medicine is dangerous. It creates not only dependence but it insures that you are reliant on health care providers and unreliable insurance specialist. And for that reason alone, is why I do the work I am doing today.
I’ve found the answers, I’ve done the work and am now living my best life educating and supporting others! And it brings me such joy to see and hear the success stories and amazing experiences of others I’ve been blessed to walk beside along the way!
And of course, that is what I want for you and for your good health.
I hope your inspired now to join me and this vast crusade of wellness warriors today, getting healthy and strong and bringing along others you love and care about, along the way!
It’s why I’d love to speak with you and your health dreams, so don’t delay, schedule your free discovery call with me and let’s get the support you deserve starting today!
It really is never too late to start. I did at age 47. And, I know, that taking that first step, can be the hardest. And why I’m here to for you. You don’t have to do it alone.